Double garage - 1 carpark
- FullturnkeywithIconic2024NDIS Inclusions
- Designed &tobe createdtosuitSDA &NCCClass1B
- requirements
- 2xSplitSystemReverseCycleA/C 1DuctedReverseCycleA/c
- Assistive Technology daTA wiring only tobedrooms, livingand ensuites
- Rooftrussestobedroomsbuilt& designedforfuturehoists Qualitypremiumrangeofhybrid
- flooringtolivingareas&tilesto wetareas
- Designerkitchenwithstone benchtops and upgraded Inalto appliances
- 3bathroomswithstonebenchtopsto vanities
- Colourbond Roof, fascias &gutters Screendoorstoallexternaldoors
- 20yearStructuralGuarantee
- 6.6kwsolarpanelswithbatterybackup*
Double garage - 1 carpark
- Full turnkey with NDIS Inclusions
- Designed & to be created to suit SDA & NCC Class 1B requirements
- 2x Split System Reverse Cycle A/C 1 Ducted Reverse Cycle A/c
- Assistive Technology data wiring only to bedrooms, living and ensuites
- Roof trusses to bedrooms built & designed for future hoists Quality premium range of hybrid flooring to living areas & tiles to wet areas
- Designer kitchen with stone benchtops and upgraded appliances
- 2 bathrooms with stone benchtops to vanities
- Colourbond Roof, fascias& gutters
- Screen doors to all external doors
- 20 year Structural Guarantee
Double garage - 1 carpark
- Full turnkey with Iconic 2023 NDIS Inclusions
- Designed & to be created to suit SDA & NCC Class 1B requirements
- 2x Split System Reverse Cycle A/C 1 Ducted Reverse Cycle A/c
- Assistive Technology data wiring only to bedrooms, living and ensuites
- Roof trusses to bedrooms built & designed for future hoists
- Quality premium range of hybrid flooring to living areas & tiles to wet areas
- Designer kitchen with stone benchtops and upgraded appliances
- 2 bathrooms with stone benchtops to vanities
- Colourbond Roof, fascias& gutters
- Screen doors to all external doors
- 20 year Structural Guarantee
- Full turnkey with Iconic 2024 NDIS Inclusions
- Designed & to be created to suit SDA & NCC Class 1B
- requirements
- 2x Split System Reverse Cycle A/C 1 Ducted Reverse Cycle A/c
- Assistive Technology data wiring only to bedrooms, living and ensuites
- Roof trusses to bedrooms built & designed for future hoists
- Premium range of hybrid flooring to living areas & tiles to wet areas
- Designer kitchen with stone benchtops and upgraded appliances
- 3 bathrooms with stone benchtops to vanities
- Colourbond Roof, fascias& gutters Screen doors to all external doors
- 20 year Structural Guarantee
- 6kw Solar Panels with Battery Back up
Double garage - 1 Carpark
- Full turnkey with NDIS inclusions
- Designed & to be created to suit SDA & NCC class 1b requirements
- 2x split system reverse cycle a/c
- 1 ducted reverse cycle a/c
- Assistive technology data wiring only to bedrooms. Living and ensuites
- Roof trusses to bedrooms built & designed for future hoists
- Premium range of hybrid flooring to living areas & tiles to wet areas
- Designer kitchen with stone benchtops and upgraded appliances
- 3 bathrooms with stone benchtops to vanities
- Colourbond roof, fascias& gutters
- Screen doors to all external doors
- 20 year structural guarantee
Double garage - 1 Carpark
- Full turnkey with NDIS Inclusions
- Designed & to be created to suit SDA & NCC Class 1Brequirements
- 2x Split System Reverse Cycle A/C
- 1 Ducted Reverse Cycle A/c
- Assistive Technology data wiring only to bedrooms, living and ensuites
- Roof trusses to bedrooms built & designed for future hoists
- Quality premium range of hybrid flooring to living areas & tiles to wet areas
- Designer kitchen with stone benchtops and upgraded appliances
- 3 bathrooms with stone benchtops to vanities
- Colourbond Roof, fascias& gutters
- Screen doors to all external doors